‘A More Perfect Union’

I expect Billary to drop out of the race anytime now, especially after this firecracker of a speech from Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU

How is this man not already president?

Also, the supreme court decided that, yes, Americans really do have the right to own guns. I’m very libertarian on issues like this, which, to the horror of my immediate family, means I do not favor gun control.

In other news, I saw ATB (German DJ) at Epic on friday, and it was awesome, at least until we got kicked out at 2 AM by some douchey bouncer. “No reentry now.” Whatever, man.

Also, my ship date marches enexorably closer.

And he sings
‘They break the most beautiful things
But I hear violins, when I close my eyes
I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done

~ by absinthedreams on March 18, 2008.

One Response to “‘A More Perfect Union’”

  1. when DO you leave for boot camp, btw?? WE SHOULD TALK SOON!!! and yes, obama was looking very presidential yesterday, but i hear hillary’s doing well in Penn, which is to be expected, but is also damning …

    as for the gun issue, i’m quaker-style on this one, bro. lol. this is one arena where i’m way more european and less cowboy-libertarian: less guns = less gun violence. lofty talk about rights and militias and hunting means nothing to the roughly 2,800 children and teenagers killed each year in the U.S. by guns. i think the 2nd amendment should be torn to shreds (unless you work in agriculture) until the violence stops.

    i love you ross!!!!

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